Similar words: public policy, economic progress, economic prosperity, economic, micro-economics, microeconomics, economics, economic recovery. Meaning: n. a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues.
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91. the government's abandonment of its new economic policy.
92. Title: Another Failure of the Neo- Liberalist Economic Policy?
93. Friedman wrote much on various aspects of economic policy.
94. Their economic policy pave the way for industrial expansion.
95. Domestically, the president proposes a more moderate economic policy.
96. The federal government's chief economic policy official is the secretary of the treasury.
97. Most importantly, Americans vote for officials who set economic policy.
98. An ill-conceived congressional bill to punish China for manipulating its currency is yet another sign that America has little to be proud of in terms of economic policy.
99. On almost every level we are making national economic policy on the basis of problematic data and inadequate models.
100. We cannot afford to let blind ideology and rabid partisanship threaten sensible economic policy.
101. The government's new economic policy gained acclaim from various sections of society.
102. Centre for Economic Policy Studies Working Paper No 100 ( June 2004 ).
103. In the foreign economic policy, protectionism of the high tariff policy and the free trade policy became the two kinds of feasible choices.
104. He is the senior coeditor of the Contemporary Economic Policy, and the Book Review Editor. He also serves on the editorial board of several economic journals.
105. The class base of the new economic policy was worker-peasant alliance, which was the basic force for socialist construction.
106. International economist Robert Scott, at the Washington-based Economic Policy Institute, blames the Federal Reserve--the U.S. central bank--for allowing housing prices to rise too high.
107. Description of the economic structure of Japan's top economic policy goal.
108. Use the qualitative analysis method, economic policy, accounting code, system of Chinese government were analyzed towards the effect of putting EVA into practice in China.
109. They have tended to fudge on matters of economic policy.
110. Renting the tree farm and the state-owned tree farm provide the best the destruction of forest resources in these forestry economic policy.
111. He finds that, despite the promises of its backers, NAFTA has locked in a harsh neoliberal economic policy that has swept away laws and protections that Mexican workers had established over decades.
112. The cooperative movement of rural area was a national economic policy, implemented by Kuomingtang government after it come into being in Nanking.
113. In the economic policy aspect, Bush Administration laissez faire Wall Street develops the high risk service unlimitedly , and intends to let US dollar depreciation.
114. Only when the New Economic Policy was implemented did Soviet Russia begin to recover.
115. Christina Romer, who will serve as chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisors, will also be providing the Obama administration with economic policy recommendations.
116. Since the Founting of our People's Republic with the help of CPC development,[ ] fulfillment of national economic policy in Qinghai have made considerable headway.
117. Mainly a firmer commitment to pay its debts, probably through some form of mutually guaranteed bond, and much tighter coordination of budgetary and broader economic policy.
118. Hong Kong government adopts the active non-intervention economic policy while Macao adapt the policy of none -intervention policy.
119. Teahorse trade policy is not just a national defence policy, but also an economic policy, ethnologic policy.
120. Economic impact problem has become the core issue with economic policy theory and economic academic cycle.
More similar words: public policy, economic progress, economic prosperity, economic, micro-economics, microeconomics, economics, economic recovery, economical, economically, economic condition, economic cost, economic life, economic model, home economics, economic cycle, socioeconomic, macroeconomic, economic sector, economic outlook, economic region, socioeconomics, economic system, economic growth, economic impact, macroeconomics, macro-economics, economic benefit, economic effects, economic activity.